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Integrate Uni into Windows

As the Universal translator is extremely economical with the resources of your computer, we suggest you to load it directly when starting Windows. The Universal translator is only one mouse click away.

Running the Universal translator each time Windows starts

Create a shortcut to the Translator in the 'Startup' folder of the Start menu. Proceed as follows:

  • Open 'Start', '(All) Programs'.
  • Click 'MZ-WinTranslator V18' with the right mouse button and hold the mouse button down.
  • Now move the mouse up to the entry 'Startup'. A submenu appears which either already contains applications or is '(Empty)'. Move the mouse into the submenu and release the mouse button.

  • Select 'Copy here' from the appearing menu.

Now the Translator will be launched each time Windows starts. But you have to change the properties of the new shortcut to make the Uni translator appear instead of the full-screen main program.

Adding command line parameters

  • Click the recently copied shortcut for the Translator in the "Startup" folder with the right mouse button and chosse "Properties" from the appearing menu.
  • Click into the "Target" field. Then press the "End" key on your keyboard to move to the end of the text.
  • Now type the following command line parameters:


  • The command line parameter /-b suppresses the splash screen upon program startup. The parameter /uni runs the Uni translator instead of the main program and /mini causes the program to run in minimized state.
  • If desired, you may now configure a hotkey. To do so, click into the "Shortcut key" field and press the desired keys on your keyboard, e.g. Ctrl+Alt+T. You may then use this hotkey instead of the mouse to call the Uni translator.

    Note: Due to errors in Windows 9x, reliably opening the program using a hotkey does only work in Windows 2000, XP or newer.
  • Then click "OK".
  • Now run the Universal translator and open the settings ( icon).
  • Activate the "Search automatically" and "Minimize in System Tray" options. These options have been discussed in the third part of the workshop. Close the program afterwards.


The Universal translator is now always available via the task bar. If you want to translate something, simply select the word or the text and click the icon for the Uni translator in the lower right corner of the task bar. If you set a hotkey, simply press the respective key combination. The translation appears promptly.

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